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  • debbied765

A Bermondsey Tale.....

After a long wait.......(about a year!).......the world premiere of the film Bermondsey Tales was last week. Despite railstrikes Debbie and DJ made it from Leeds to the premiere at the O2 in Greenwich for the red carpet experience

Linda Robson and Vas Blackwood on the

red carpet - and DJ posing like a rockstar ! After the press shots and interviews were over we all made our way into the big screen and waited excitedly for the film......with no idea how much of our specially recorded song was used in the scene for the film......

.....turns out the WHOLE track was played during the fight scene in the pub with Vas Blackwood, and DJ was a superstar in his cameo during it! ......and of course we had to wait for the credits to roll at the end.......'s a unique film in style and hugely enjoyable with some serious LOL moments, and after the film we just had to hit the After Party - and celebrate with a few pints and a cocktail or three !! Massive thanks to Michael Head for asking us to help and provide the song and including the entire recording, Thanks mate!!

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